Friday 31 May 2013

Guest post from I Don't Go to the Gym!!! :)

I’ve often given out the excuse that “I’m too busy to go to the gym” 90% of the time this is the case but I have made the effort in the last couple of months to make time to work out at home. A big part of this motivation comes from the great ideas and encouragement that come from “I Don’t Go to the Gym!” by Kristen and Jamie.  On their website,, I have found some easy and fun workouts that I can do at home—and lots of recipes to keep me healthy in between.:)
Looking for some added inspiration, I went to Kristen and Jamie last week and asked if they would be willing to create a workout that my busy Mommas can do before they start their day. These lovely ladies came up with a 10 minute workout that everyone can spare time for! 
Below is their guest post. Happy-healthy living!

 Hi from Kristen & Jamie over at I Don't Go to the Gym!  We are so excited to guest post here on Tips from a Momma.  Our philosphy is to stay fit & skinny by living an active & healthy lifestyle without having to spend hours in the gym.  Because honestly, who has time for that these days?
Today we put together a quick full body workout that is the perfect way to start the day and takes less than 10 minutes.  No excuses!  For this simple workout, you'll need a chair and a pair of handweights (soup cans work too)!
Ready?!  Because the clock starts now ...

 Tone Your Tush
20 chair lunges each leg. Grab a chair and get in position shown above. One leg out in front as far out as possible, other leg out on the chair behind you. Go down as far as you can (when you lunge down, don't let your knee go in front of your toe) and then come straight back up. Repeat 20x both sides
10 jumping jacks to get the heart rate up
20 squats. Stand with legs shoulder width apart, chest up and shoulders back. Bend knees and pretend as if you're sitting in a chair, stand back up and repeat
10 jumping jacks
30 second wall squat. Put back up against wall, feet shoulder width apart. Squat down to a 90 degree angle. Don't let knees go over your toes. Hold for 30 seconds.

Six Pack Abs
30 bicycle crunches (knee to alternate elbow & switch)
30 twist crunches (hold a crunch position and twist from side to side touching the ground with the opposite arm)
30 oblique crunches on each side (bend your knees, rest them to one side & crunch!)
30 scissor kicks (alternate one leg straight & one leg extended out a couple inches off the ground)
30 in & out crunches (crunch in then extend your legs out keeping them a couple inches off the ground)

Tank Top Arms
30 bicep curls
30 hammer curls (rotate your hands so your weights are parallel to your body)
30 tricep extensions
15 push-ups (girl ones are ok!)
15 diamond push-ups (move your hands close together so your fingers make a diamond shape)

Visit us over at for more quick, at home workouts and delicious & healthy recipes. 

Thanks for having us!

Jamie & Kristen :)


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