Monday 23 March 2015

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Time to get up, the Son is shinning

You know that feeling… The feeling you get when someone is staring at you while you sleep? I get that feeling almost every morning.  It doesn’t startle me but I am very aware of it. I open my eyes and there is Owen quietly staring with his blankie and a bear in hand. “Hi Mom!” he says. “Hi Owen.  Good morning”, I say. Then I look at my phone to see what time it is, and it’s 5am… Oh my it’s 5 am. “Time to get up!” says Owen.  Owen, my love it is only 5am, would you like to crawl into bed with me? Let’s sleep a little longer.”  Owen assures me it’s morning and tells me that the sun is out. “Look the sun is shining through your curtains” I peek behind the curtains… Honey, that is the street lamp, it’s 5am. I look over at Owen and he has a big smile across his face. He could care less that it is 5am; he doesn’t know what 5am means.  All he knows is that he’s up and he’s happy and he’s ready to play.  “Ok, I’ll get up”, I wink back. 
We go downstairs.   I make myself a coffee and get Owen some milk.  I get down on the floor beside him as he plays with his toys and try to look as enthusiastic as he does while he tells me about robots and what they can do to buildings. We play a little longer, and then I make breakfast.  Then we build a fort in the living room, play with trains, and then it is just about time for us to get ready for school. I look at the clock and tell Owen that I will let him watch a show on TV while I run upstairs to get myself ready. I scoot upstairs to do my hair, make-up and throw on some clothes. I then head downstairs to get Owen dressed and ready for school, and what do I find?  He is fast asleep on the couch.  I smile, and let him sleep a little longer before getting him ready for school. 
Slowly, I wake Owen.  Eyes blinking open, he greets me with, “Hi Mom”.  “Hi Owen,” I smile back. “Time to get up, the sun is shining”

Tuesday 3 March 2015

This post was written awhile back but I thought it might be useful to the new mamas out there. Make sure you take time for yourself to refresh and regroup, it is good for you and baby. Xo

Give yourself a break—even if it’s only for an hour or two, it will help you refocus and regroup!

When my son was a month old, I decided to take the afternoon to go shopping! My belly was pretty much back to where it was before the big event (thank you Mom for the great genes) and I was feeling the need to look as cute as my little guy when people came to visit.
For the first hour I walked around the mall aimlessly looking into different stores.  Instead of revelling in the freedom of walking without any responsibilities for a baby, diaper bag or stroller or the fun of trying on the fashion I had missed for nine months, all I could think of was my son. I rushed home, ran in the door, didn’t say “hi” to anyone, picked up my son and just held him, and cried. I couldn’t bear to be without him!
This did eventually pass….. Months would go by and I would peal myself away from him for a couple of hours to do something for myself. When my son got to be about 18 months of age,  this is where the “me times” started to happen--first once a month, then twice a month, then once every two weeks J. Even if it was just myself, a cart, and the grocery store, that one hour I spent doing something for myself, by myself, was time away that I needed .  My son is now 3 years of age and less dependent on me (and maybe I am less dependent on him, as well)  and I find that I need that “me” time less and less.
I know that might sound backwards, but from when my son was a newborn to about two years of age, I was constantly holding him. Constantly. I couldn’t bear to pass up on his upstretched arms and the “Hold you” he would offer me. Don’t get me wrong there were times it drove me CRAZY, especially when I had to vacuum or clean around the house. But I was first and foremost his Mother, and he needed me. Now that he is 3 yrs old, he is less dependent on me and less likely to offer me a “Hold you”.  I still crave being around my son but remind myself to take time for me.  After all, my son is learning to make time for himself, too.
So go clear your heads Momma’s! Catch up with friends and family! Do whatever makes you happy! Even taking an hour to go to the gym! Gym… Hmmm… Now that sounds like a good idea! I’m off! Happy Monday!:)

Saturday 28 February 2015 is now live!!!! Be sure to come back Monday as I will be doing a GIVEAWAY as part of the launch! :)

Happy weekend!

Thursday 26 February 2015

Let's start solids!

Introducing your baby to solids begins around 6 months of age. Start with baby rice cereal that you can purchase at the grocery store and mix it with breast milk, formula or boiled water, the amount of liquid to add will be listed on the box. The first time you introduce your little one to solids whether it be with cereal, veggies or fruit, always start off with only a few tablespoons, then gradually increase the amount you give your baby. This is also important in case your baby has a reaction or allergy to a new food.

For fruit puree- peel and chop fruit, add a little water, and lightly boil until fruit is tender. Once tender place fruit in a blender and blend until smooth.

For vegetables- steam veggies until tender. Drain (optional) then blend. You can also add breast milk or formula to the veggies before blending.

Owens Favourites when he was a baby
Avocado and Apple
Banana and rice cereal 
Sweet potato
Zucchini and apple

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, this time if your life is especially important to make healthy choices when it comes to the food that you eat. Choose a variety of foods that are rich in vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Choose foods high in iron, calcium, folic acid, protein and the "good" fats such as nuts or avocado! Choose foods that are high in fiber and drink plenty of water! Also, Ginger had been known to protect from infection, aid in healing and digestion, and helps clear your body of toxins. Ginger has also been known to settle your stomach from nausea.

Foods That Contain the Vitamins Above:

Vitamin C
Green and Red pepper
Brussels sprouts
Sweet Potatoes

Vitamin B6
Fresh Veggies
Beans (limas, pintos, and chickpeas)
Nuts (Cashews, coconut meat)

Dark leafy veggies such as spinach or kale
Brewers yeast
Nuts (Cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds)

Leafy greens
whole grains
carrot juice

Folic Acid 
Dark green leafy vegetables
Dried Beans
Sunflower seeds
Whole grains

Lean meats
milk products

Good Fats
Olive oil

Whole grains
Flax seeds

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Stronger Than You Know

I’ve had quite an overwhelming response to my “Hello Beautiful” post and a few emails struck home with me. These were individuals who admire the relationship I have with Sean and are hopeful that they will become this amicable with their ex in the future. Today, my relationship with Sean could not be better, but there was a time where this was not the case.  A better relationship with your ex is not always possible or easy but sometimes, with time and patience, you can get there.  Here are some things I have learned through this process.

Stay focused on your children
Put the love for your children above any dislike you may have for your ex partner
Just because your ex wasn’t a great partner for you, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be a great parent to your child
Avoid speaking negatively of your ex in front of, or to, your children
Try not to argue or fight with your ex in front of your children

Communicate with your ex partner--this means listening, too. If the hurt is too fresh, write out everything that makes you upset or angry, or what needs to change, and then revisit this list. You may find some things you’ve written are written out of spite and anger.

If you are having a hard time with the change that has come with the separation, here is some advice that helped me.

 Don’t focus on anything but how you are feeling TODAY.  Ask yourself, “Am I feeling a little better today? Do I feel better than I did yesterday?” If so, hold onto that. Tomorrow will come, and then ask yourself again, “Do I feel better than I did yesterday?”  It is true when they say that “time heals all”. Take time.

Always know that you are stronger than you think you are, trust in yourself.  Ask for help, hope, believe and know you will get through this.  
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