Friday 14 June 2013

So I have been boasting to my friends about how great the juice cleanse was that I did not too long ago, and a reader has reminded me that I have not shared how it went!
 This 3 day juice cleanse was anything but easy. I started around dinner on a Sunday and ended the cleanse on the following Wednesday about lunch time. I was hoping to have pushed through til dinner on that Wednesday evening but I was starting to get a little shaky, and called it quits. Something to note* if you are planning on doing a 3 day juice cleanse, try to clear your schedule, I did not feel up to doing much of socializing and I went to bed early every night.
 I started out this cleanse by juicing and drinking a mix of kale, celery, apples, oranges, cucumber, lemon, and lime. I very quickly got bored of that combination, so I started drinking each fruit or veggie on its own. I would juice a glass of orange, then a glass of carrot, then a glass of spinach… You get the picture. ;)  I would also have sliced fruits  and veggies on hand to snack on. What I thought I would be craving and missing was my morning coffee, but I didn't. The only thing my body really craved was bread, every day I craved bread!
 The first day I started to get a headache in the afternoon, and a headache is something  I rarely never experience,I went to bed with a headache that night.
 The second day I woke up, my headache was gone. I started juicing and eating fruits, veggies, nuts. Then the headache started again, this time around 10 A.M, it would sort of pass then come back, this continued until bed.
 Wednesday, by lunch, my body had enough. Almost immediately after eating some fresh twelve grain bread, the headache was gone, I was feeling good.
What surprised me the most were the days to come. The following days I really noticed a change. I felt healthier, my mind was clear, I craved fresh juice, my skin looked refreshed, I felt recharged.
What I have learned from this is to rely more on fruits and veggies to give me that extra energy that I needed rather than from other sources. Before this cleanse I almost felt dependent on coffee in the morning. Now, if I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning it is out of enjoyment, not a need.
During this cleanse, I remember thinking to myself; I am never doing this again!  But now, I’m almost looking forward to doing it again because I know how good I felt after the cleanse. There are many different ways of doing a cleanse, do some research and see which interests you. If you are excited about it, you are more likely to follow through. Lastly, most cleanses are done once or twice a year and it is always important to consult with your Doctor before starting any cleanse.
There you have it- now get cleansing!!! :)
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :)


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