Wednesday 12 June 2013

Our bedtime routine has been quite habitual lately, Owen insists on reading the same three books: The Paperbag Princess, I Have to Go, and Where the Wild things are. After we read together I turn off the lights and we tell jokes. These arent your average joke mindyou, but they are similar to this: Knock knock, Who’s there? Banana Orange! Then Owen starts to laugh. This continues on for awhile switching up Banana Orange with different fruit or animals. Before I tuck Owen in, we start a make believe story of Owen and I going to the park and having a picnic, and what we are going to bring.
I kiss Owen Goodnight and I say to him, “Do you know how much I love you?"
Owen says: “How much?”
I reply: “To the moon and back!”
“Well, do you know how much I love you mommy?” Owen asks.
“How much? I reply
“I love you all the way to the mountain, and river, and back” says Owen.
I smile, kiss him good night and pretend to throw him “magic” as I leave his room.
I come downstairs and I start to write out everything that Owen wanted to take on our picnic. My plan is to pick up these items and we will enjoy a picnic in the park this week. Not everything on the list will make the cut, but s’mores, books, fruit, and Spider-Man, to name a few, will.
As I write out this list I can’t stop but think of how happy Owen makes me. Not everyday is easy, but with this house full of love, it makes even the hard days, manageable, I feel very lucky.
Take time to enjoy the small things. Enjoy your children, spend time with them, and if the weather’s right, have a picnic! :) 


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