Tuesday 15 October 2013

Before the days of daycare and Junior kindergarten Owen was rarely sick, I can only recall one time that he had a cold while at home with me.

 Those days are far gone, and even with my best efforts to ensure we wash our hands before every meal and as soon as we walk in the door, I cannot always count on my little one to be as germ-cautious as I am when I am not around.

With Owen also being a picky eater at times, I thought it was important to look into vitamins for kids that would give them not only the vitamins they need and may not be getting, but also help with fighting off germs and help to boost their immunity.

Yummi Bears Organic Immunity Health Gummy Vitamins are gluten and dairy free, allergen free (which means all of their products are manufactured in an allergen free facility and contain no yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, gluten, salt, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, artificial colors, artificial flavors, salicylates, or preservative, and are certified organic.)

Yummi Bears contain essential vitamins, but also immune boosting properties like Echinacea, Rosehip and Astragals.

You can find out more about this product by following the link here: https://www.babyorganicjoy.ca/product-p/hero990002.htm

Only give Yummi Bears to children who can chew and swallow safely, and always consult your health care professional if you have any concerns.

By taking proper vitamins, eating a healthy diet, and staying active, we are decreasing our likely hood of these catching these pesky colds! After all, winter will be before we know it and I would rather be out playing in the snow with my little one, than curled up on the couch with the sniffles, wouldn’t you? :)

Have a great day everyone! :)


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