Tuesday 26 November 2013

I apologize if it seems as though I've fallen of the side of the earth, my internet and laptop are not working and I should have something done about this but I have somewhat enjoyed this time without Internet access. I have spent more time going to the gym, shopping, crafts with Owen etc... Today reality sort of set in and I have quite a bit of writing to do and all I have is my cell phone (which I'm using right now) and this won't do, I'll end up getting thumb cramps, I'll have doubled my writing errors and will be driving my boss crazy. Can't have that, can we. ;)

I tried to upload a photo of the Rice Krispy squares that Owen and I made last night but even that will not seem to upload over my iPhone, so if you can, take a peek are my Instagram account, second picture, you'll see it. We made the same recipe that is on the box, but instead of butter, we used
1/3c coconut oil. They tuned out so well, my
Mother took half the tray home with her. Definitely a easy treat to make  and to throw into the kids lunch boxes in the morning. 

I hope you are all having a great week so far! Xox Suzanne 


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