Monday 4 November 2013

This weekend was one of the best that I've had in a long time. It was relaxing and I got to spend it with the ones that I love. Friday, I went back home to see my friends. We had sushi downtown then went out for cocktails. Im always so happy to get home and am always so sad to leave. I promise to make more of an effort to visit, i promise to always come back to my roots :) .

Saturday, I picked up Owen from Sean's and he went grocery shopping. We came home and cooked all day as though we were having our entire family over for dinner and ate... and ate.. and ate. We had my best friend Michelle over for a visit, we made hot chocolate and watched ninja turtles curled up on the couch. It was the perfect Saturday.

Sunday, we went to my grandmas for dinner. My father met us there and we spent the afternoon catching up on our week and took Owen for a walk to see the neighbours horses. We had a big hungarian dinner as per usual, and what was more special to me was our routine, where we sit at the table for an hour after we've finished eating and talk. I love listening to stories of my great grandparents or my father taking his grandmother to Vegas and spending (or loosing) a ton of money and having to tell my mom he'd give up smoking to soften the blow. These are the times I will always cherish.

I hope your weekend was as pleasant as ours. :)


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