Monday 2 December 2013

This past weekend I was in Toronto for the Falcons vs. Bills game. I had lunch at a great little Italian place close to the football field and went to the game from there. The dome was closed and inappropriately dressed as if I was heading into a snow storm. 

 The game was great and I watched it from the front row which was quite an experience in itself. After the game it was time for dinner and I remember walking back to the hotel thinking what a beautiful city Toronto is. I felt at home.

Now, it's Monday and I'm back in London dreaming of bigger cities playing with my little Owen. Owen and I made these cookies below that I thought were rather cute! My friend posted these and I couldn't wait to try these ourselves. All you need is a simple sugar cookie recipe, pretzels, chocolate candies for the eyes and smarties for the nose! Fun to make and even more fun to eat! :)

I hope you all are having a great week so far! :)


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