Thursday 15 August 2013

Have you been putting off buying your preschooler a lunchbox, backpack, pencil case etc? If so, you are not the only one. I have been purchasing his must-haves for school I'd say for about a month. I cry almost every time I reach the cash register, and I turn to Owen and say "can't you stay little forever?" I almost wished I would have done all the shopping at once, almost like ripping off a band-aid, but instead, I torture myself through 5 trips to the store. It has not been easy.

When I ask Owen if he can stay little forever, he first says, " Ok, sure." Just to please me. Then follows up with "If I stay small I can't turn into a superhero!" That is what he wants to be when he grows up, a superhero. I ask him if hes going to become a superhero to take care of me, and he replies with "No, because you are supermommy!" Apparently he knows me well enough that I don't need saving. Either that, or it has to do with the fact that one morning while we were chatting in my room, talking about superheroes, a light bulb went off in my head and I told Owen that I in fact was a superhero. I told him to close his eyes as I grabbed a Robin Halloween costume that I wore one year, threw it on quickly, and when I came out of the bathroom his mouth dropped! Lol. I gave him my cape and other parts of my costume to wear, he was over the moon with excitement. 
The things we do to make our kids smile. 

Anyway, getting a little off topic. :)  Back to my wows of being a Mom of a soon to be Junior Kindergarten'er, if you're struggling with this too, you're not alone. I don't think it is ever going to be easy seeing Owen grow up, and I'm not sure why it is so hard. I'll cry some more for the next month or so, and the day I drop him off will be one of the most tearful, that I am sure. 

I will keep in mind that I want this to be an exciting time for Owen, and I don't want him confused why every time we bring up JK I'm on the verge of crying. I want this to be a positive experience.

So there, if you're having a hard time like I am-- Save your tears for me. I'll be here to chat if you need me, and hey, I may need you too! :)


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