Tuesday 27 August 2013

Good Morning Momma's!

I'm sorry that my posts have been less frequently lately, I've been getting pulled in every direction and trying to keep a good balance between life, love and happiness. You get the picture. :)

Everything is well with Owen and I and we have been spending many moments just cherishing time together before JK starts next week. Some of your little ones I know have started school already, how's been the first days back? And to the ones who are starting next week, are you prepared? :) Owen has everything he needs for back to school, and I have been meal planning for his first week back. That's what I will do this week... a test run for back to school lunch ideas! I will share them with you and you can give me your feedback and lunch ideas that you may have!

I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week! x0x Suzanne


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