Anyway, the other night, Owen was giving me a hard time. He had played a few games on the IPAD but he didn’t want to get ready for bed. I brought him up to the washroom to brush his teeth and stood him in front of the toilet, he stared at me like it was some sort of cowboy standoff and he had a weapon. He stood there and told me he wasn't peeing and that he wasn't happy with me. So I started to do a jig. « Thats not funny, Mom, " said Owen. So I shook my butt. That got a chuckle but no results in the toilet. Standing there with a smile, Owen said, « I’m still not peeing Mom. « So then I turned on the tap. End of choice :)
It’s a steep climb but I’m learning not to take things too seriously and let small things (which seem like HUGE things when you’re also a tired Mom and all you want to do is go to bed) roll off your back. Its either that or go bald. I choose this :)
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