Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Safe Sleeping Tips for Your Baby-- Information from Public Health Canada

Four Easy Steps to Remember:

1. Provide a smoke free environment before and after your baby arrives- 
Studies have shown that exposure to smoke is a health risk, before and after your baby is born, and has been linked as a great risk for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Whether it be at home, out and about, or at childcare, insure that these are smoke free environments.

2. Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep- 
Through a launch of the Back to Sleep campaign in Canada in 1999, where it was taught to place your baby on his or her back to sleep, the rate of SIDS had dropped by more than 50 percent. Placing your baby on his or her back is the safest way for your baby to sleep.

3. Place your baby to sleep in a crib next to your bed for the first 6 months-
 Co-sleeping and bed sharing are not recommended and is unsafe for your baby. Having the crib next to your bed can also help you hear your little ones feeding cues, and makes it easier for breastfeeding.

4. Provide a safe crib environment, free of toys, or loose bedding- 
Anything extra in the crib may cause injury or suffocation. Other than a firm mattress and a fitted sheet, there is no need for any extra items in the crib. Health Canada suggest instead of a blanket, to use a light one piece sleeper. 

If you would like more information on crib safety, please go to
For the last few weeks my three year old seems to be going through what some people may call the “terrible two’s” .  But how could this be? He’s three?  Up until now, it has felt like we were communicating better, talking through problems and having fun just being Mom and son. 
Lately however, my “big boy” has been incredibly emotional, has been talking back to me, and even throwing his toys. What’s wrong?  After going over this again and again in my mind, I’ve decided that  I’m just not going to worry about it. Why?
I often find myself throwing out excuses for every time he is acting out of sorts but when I stop to think about it, I realize that I often act out of sorts, too!  I have days when everything seems to go wrong and other days when everything goes right.  I need to remember that he is human, he’s 3, and even though he can communicate with me, he is still an immature, inexperienced, emotional little person.  
So there you have it.  I’m not going to fret over why my son is acting like a wild child (for the moment) but I will end on this. No matter how your child acts, always hang in there and stay consistent. You may have good days, bad days; good weeks, bad weeks; terrible twos and threes—just always love them.

Monday, 29 July 2013

I remember looking at Owen when he first came into the world and thinking-- WOW you are the most beautiful baby I have ever laid eyes on, I love you, I would die for you. It is overwhelming, the love you can have for your baby.
I have had the joyous opportunity to have been at home with my son until he was about two years of age when he started daycare. Before daycare we had all the time in the world to enjoy every moment together. I was with him for his “firsts” smiling, eating, crawling, walking. I have been lucky, as I know not everyone has that luxury.
Here are some tips I would give to Mothers who are at home with their little ones: 
*Let go of the fact that your house may not be as spotless as you used to have it.
Before Owen came along, my cupboards were organized, the house was tidy. Owen was born, and at first it was a piece of cake, I would clean or cook while he was napping, it was a dream. Owen started crawling and soon his stuffed animals, blocks, balls, and books were everywhere and my house was torn upside down. Funny how someone so small can create such a huge mess! I found letting go of the feeling that I had to have  everything perfect helped. 
*Take time for your own shower, hair and makeup.
 I found we did not use the playpen much unless it was for this. I would set up the play pen in my room, put some toys in the play pen for Owen to play with and then quickly shower while talking to Owen through the curtain. It really did keep him occupied and, depending on how long he was amused by our chat and his toys,  I would be able to get my hair and make up done, too!
*Create a routine that works for you.
 This is not always easy, but if you have a good routine with your baby it will make your life and his/hers much easier. We would have our scheduled eating and nap times, dinner, bath and bedtime. At bedtime I would cuddle him and read with him, even when he was teeny tiny. We’ve always enjoyed that time together and having a routine made sure it happened.
*Let them get messy.
When Owen first started solids, I would have a spoon to feed Owen, and Owen would have a spoon to feed himself. Food would get in his hair, all over his face, clothes…. I, along with Owen, thought it was fun. If your baby gets a little messy, that’s what baths are for! I also found with Owen that, if he ate, then bathed, he would nap very well.  This rule also applies to when your little one starts discovering mud, puddles, grass, and the outdoors in general. Discovery is a way of learning- Let them enjoy it and you will too!
             *Fussy baby- Go for a walk!
I found this was a good for both of us. It got us out of the house, and into the fresh air! We would walk around the block and pop down to the park that is around the corner from us. This is also a great way to meet some other mothers in your area. One of my neighbors and I set out a time every other day to meet and walk with our little ones.  It was nice to have that adult interaction too.  You can only talk baby-talk so long…J
*Play dates
Organize play dates with other mothers and take turns as to where you have the play date. Put on some appetizers, take out some cookies and put on a pot of coffee. This is a great social time for you and the little ones.
Get a good sense of what is available to you for fun for you and your little one.  In London, there are lots of things for parents to do with their tots.  Here are some great options for you and yours:
-The Stoney Creek YMCA- great for learning to swim, they have Mommy and Tot programs and Owen has always enjoyed going to the Jungle Gym.
-Chapters-I love to grab a coffee and watch Owen play with the other children. They have a fun, little kids area and we always end up leaving with a new book.
-The Public Library- Kids can borrow books, and their calendar shows a story time every week.
-The Little Gym- Great for a variety of ages and a ton of fun!
- Adventure on Wonderland- Inexpensive fun! They have two play areas one for toddlers and the other for the older children.
-London Children’s museum- Owen and I will go here a few times a year. He absolutely loves this Museum!  I even find it hard to leave!
-Storybook Garden- Rides, games, treats, animal farm and a water park—there are lots of fun and educational things to do.  Make sure you pack extra clothes! J
This past Saturday and Sunday was spent in Toronto! I had a great time with one of my dear friends and we enjoyed seeing the city, indulging in great food and meeting new friends. Today's post will be short as I am off to work and the grocery store to buy some ingredients to bake a cake! Today is my father's birthday and we will be celebrating tonight!

My Dear Father,

You tell me I have the most impossible standards for men, but this is partially your fault, you have been such an incredible man to look up to. You have taught me so much of what is it to love and to be a parent. You are selfless, kind, you would do anything and everything for your family. You have been the greatest example to me, and I love you, always.

Happiest of birthdays to my father, and Owen's "Papa"!

Below are photo's from our weekend and the Birthday Boy. :)

Friday, 26 July 2013

Kids are in bed or taking a nap?? Perfect! Now it’s time for a quick pampering with ingredients you have at home! :)

At home foot scrub- Sugar and baby oil.
You can also use other oils but most Momma’s have baby oil on hand. Let your feet soak in warm water, scrub your feet with your oil and sugar mixture, let soak again, then pat dry and apply your favorite lotion.

Moisturizing for your lips and hair mask- Coconut oil
 I have something for you to try! I found that applying a very small amount of coconut oil to my lips has worked wonders! My lips are so incredibly soft and smooth. Good-bye chapstick! I also found that applying a small amount the ends of my hair really helped restore and soften my ends. I usually do this the night before and leave it on overnight, shampoo in the morning, as your hair will look greasy, but doing this has shown great results!

Another friend told me that she used baby oil as a makeup remover. Maybe I am the last person to hear about this but I only wish I would have heard of this sooner! I applied baby oil to a facial pad and removed my face make up and used a separate pad for my eyes. Easy, inexpensive, and it works!

And if you have a little afternoon to yourself, here are some other great spa- like treatments you can do at home from

·         Soften hands (while watching TV!)
Combine a few spoonfuls of cold cream, two drops of tea tree oil, five drops of lavender oil, a spoonful of olive oil and a banana (for a fruity smell) in a blender. When the consistency is smooth, slather liberally all over hands and cuticles. Then slip hands into a pair of yellow rubber gloves—yes, the kind you use to scrub the tub with. For the softest hands ever, I like to sit down and watch TV with my lotioned and gloved hands underneath a heating pad so that the heat will help my homemade salve penetrate my skin that much more.” India-Jewel Jackson, GlamBlush

·         Turn your shower into a sauna

“Just turn your shower on and run it at its hottest temperature for about 20 minutes. While the water is running and the steam is building, take a warm washcloth and spray with your favorite relaxing oil. (Lavender, vanilla or rosemary are all great de-stressing aromas.) When you step into your shower, put the washcloth up to your face and take a deep breath of your soothing, oil-scented steam. It’s a great way to unwind right before bed—and it also helps clear up sinuses.” Aly Walanksy,eBeauty Daily

·         Heat things up

“Before jumping into the shower, stash your daily body lotion on top of a radiator or heating vent so it’s warmed up when you rub it on. I tell you, there is nothing better than getting out of a hot shower and rubbing on the heated, soothing lotion. Just be aware that your lotion will get much more liquidy when it’s warm, so it might rush out of its container faster.” Petra Guglielmetti,The Girls in the Beauty Department

·         Stop and smell the rose (water)

“To save some money, make your own rose-water toner, which has great astringent properties. Here’s my recipe: For every one firmly packed cup of rose petals, pour two cups of boiling water over the top. Cover and steep until the liquid is cool. Strain, squeeze out the liquid from the petals and refrigerate the rose water in a sterilized jar between use.” Lianne Farbes,TheMakeUpGirl

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Let’s talk about sex, shall we?

During pregnancy you may find that this is the most aroused you have ever been in your relationship. Your hormones are accelerating, your estrogen levels are high, blood is flowing to your pelvic area, you have that beautiful pregnancy glow, your breasts are large and sensitive, and your body has gorgeous curves. You may feel this way all the way up until you deliver, and unless otherwise advised by your doctor, sex during pregnancy can be a new, liberating and exciting thing for both you, and your partner. Although some positions may no longer work with your beautiful belly, this is the time to try out new positions, get creative, and explore this new experience.

Here are some tips and the best sex positions during pregnancy, according to


Let’s Talk About (Pregnant) Sex

If fears about ‘doing it’ are stressing you out, here’s what you need to know.

Sex can still be comfortable
The old standby missionary position for intercourse may not work for you now. Instead, try these options:
Spooning: Lie side by side with him behind you. This makes for more shallow penetration.
You on top: There’s no pressure on your belly, and you can control the speed and depth of penetration.
Side of the bed: You lie on your back on the edge of the bed with your knees bent and feet on the edge. He stands facing you. It’s like classic missionary, but he won’t be resting his body weight on you.
Living room love: Kneel on a couch with your belly facing the back of it; use your arms for support. He penetrates from behind.
You will have sex again after the baby comes
Just be aware that with the sudden drop of estrogen
 after delivery, your libido can plummet and the lining of your vagina thins out, making intercourse feel like you’re losing your virginity all over again. This can be particularly true if you’re breastfeeding.

Most docs recommend that you wait six weeks until after giving birth (even for oral sex). The goals are to allow your body to heal, avoid infection and deal with any psychological or emotional issues you and your partner may be feeling. When you do venture back, it’s important to make your partner aware that you may need plenty of foreplay (and possibly lubrication). Taking care of the baby for you whenever possible so that you can nap couldn’t hurt, either!
Wishing Owen's Father the Happiest of Birthdays today! Thank you for being such a wonderful Father and role model to our son!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Time to get up, the son is shining

You know that feeling… The feeling you get when someone is staring at you while you sleep? I get that feeling almost every morning.  It doesn’t startle me but I am very aware of it. I open my eyes and there is Owen quietly staring with his blankie and a bear in hand. “Hi Mom!” he says. “Hi Owen.  Good morning”, I say. Then I look at my phone to see what time it is, and it’s 5am… Oh my it’s 5 am. “Time to get up!” says Owen.  Owen, my love it is only 5am, would you like to crawl into bed with me? Let’s sleep a little longer.”  Owen assures me it’s morning and tells me that the sun is out. “Look the sun is shining through your curtains” I peek behind the curtains… Honey, that is the street lamp, it’s 5am. I look over at Owen and he has a big smile across his face. He could care less that it is 5am; he doesn’t know what 5am means.  All he knows is that he’s up and he’s happy and he’s ready to play.  “Ok, I’ll get up”, I wink back.
We go downstairs.   I make myself a coffee and get Owen some milk.  I get down on the floor beside him as he plays with his toys and try to look as enthusiastic as he does while he tells me about robots and what they can do to buildings. We play a little longer, and then I make breakfast.  Then we build a fort in the living room, play with trains, and then it is just about time for us to get ready for school. I look at the clock and tell Owen that I will let him watch a show on TV while I run upstairs to get myself ready. I scoot upstairs to do my hair, make-up and throw on some clothes. I then head downstairs to get Owen dressed and ready for school, and what do I find?  He is fast asleep on the couch.  I smile, and let him sleep a little longer before getting him ready for school.
Slowly, I wake Owen.  Eyes blinking open, he greets me with, “Hi Mom”.  “Hi Owen,” I smile back. “Time to get up, the sun is shining”

Sunday, 21 July 2013

The highlight of this past weekend was that one of my dearest friends, married the love of her life Nathan. I can tell you, it was one of the most beautiful weddings that I have been to, and it was so special to witness two people who truly love each other say “I do”.
Jamie and I have been friends since high school, she is one of the most level headed, beautiful people ( Inside and out) that I know. She is also the Godmother to Owen. When I found out that Sean and I were expecting, she along with my friend Renee were the first two that I told. We were all sitting in my car and I told them before going in to one of my favorite restaurants. She, along with Renee hugged me and we were all teary eyed. I will never forget that moment.
When choosing a Godmother for Owen, I did not have to think about it, I knew right away that it would be Jamie. I knew if something ever happened to me, she would always show him ongoing and unconditional love, and lead him in the right direction throughout his life.
I have also had the pleasure of spending some time over the last year, getting to know Nate (Nathan). The very first time he met Owen he came in, got right on the floor to play with him, then chased Owen around the house playing superheroes and chasing “bad guys” I liked him immediately. The way he is with Jamie, you can tell that he truly loves her, I remember asking him once how he knew she was “the one” and he told us that there wasn’t one thing, there was a bunch of little things that added up, that it felt right, and it was easy.
I could not be happier for the two of you. You are both a blessing in my life, and I cannot wait to share more of what life has to come with you both! I’ll love you, always. X0x0x

Thursday, 18 July 2013

My Dear Readers,

I have some very exciting news to share with you! I am officially the new blogger to Baby Organic Joy! They approached me with the idea and a contract for writing for them a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to make sure that everything was in place before sending out the good news!

 When creating my new blog design, I remember having a conversation with someone who advised me to leave the opportunity out there for sponsorship/promotions.  In the last four months, I have had the good fortune of connecting with many great companies and it is a real privilege to be asked to write for some of them.  I never imagined that this would have happened! My blog was just my way of letting others get to know me, my interest in teaching prenatal education, and the love I have for my son.
knew that if I ever had such an opportunity, I would need to carefully consider who I would be writing for or advertising with.  

Baby Organic Joy is a company I happily stand behind and believe in. They have natural and organic products for infants to preschool and they are based in the beautiful city of Toronto, Ontario. Baby Organic Joy's products include diapering, baby care, clothing, toys, feeding and nursing, bathing, carriers, oral care, bedding, organic tea and so much more! 
To see more from Baby Organic Joy, and to view my blog ( coming soon) please visit
Have a wonderful weekend!! :)

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Being Sensitive to Mr. New

One of the many things that I have learned from dating someone after Sean was how insensitive I was to that persons needs, to their feelings. I almost had a “you deal with it” attitude because I thought about myself and my son, and I guess even the relationship I had with Sean, that always came first.
Partially because of what I learned from my own parents. My parents separated when I was in high school  and that was tough on everyone, but what made it easier on us (kids) was that my parents always put us first, and even to this day my Father would do anything for my Mother, he would be there in a second if she needed anything.  I don't think this is a bad thing, but from being in a relationship I know now, there has to be a line that is drawn somewhere, and that help be transferred to the new person you are dating, whether it be something you need fixed around the house, or opening the pool in the summer. There has to be a time where you asking your ex for that help-ends. If this is a new relationship, and you need help, ask a family member, or friend, or hire a handyman.
If I ever needed something, I would always go to Sean first, never thinking of how that may make my current boyfriend feel. How insecure this person must already be feeling, coming into your life where you have had a family with someone, your ex is still around, and you're are still in such close contact. It would take an incredibly secure person to be okay with all of this, and even then, being respectful of this person means now putting them first, instead of your ex, if you want it to work.
You may even be giving mixed signals. Your boyfriend may start to feel that the acts of kindness between you and your ex, are feelings of still wanting to be with each other. Even if on your end, this has never been the case. If you are seriously interested pursuing this new relationship, put them first.
All things that I have learned, and am sharing because it may help some of you, and as always, if you have any tips or advice for me, feel free to share with me too. X0 

Monday, 15 July 2013

This weekend I had some great one on one time with Owen. I got dressed up and picked up Owen early from daycare, went out for dinner, then went to the theater to see  the move, Despicable Me 2, we had a cute little date night just him and I.

Saturday, we went to Burlington for the day to visit with our friends, the kids enjoyed playing at the splash pad and at the beach, we ended out day with ice cream and a great chat. I truly miss them already, we will definitely be back soon. 

Sunday, Owen was off to his Fathers and I met up with my friend for lunch downtown, we had a great talk about life and love which was still on my mind first thing when I woke up.

If your life has taken some unexpected turns, it is not exactly what you had pictured or planned, that's okay. Maybe it's because your dreams weren't big enough-- aim higher.

What lies ahead for you must be something much greater than you could have imagined, much greater than you could have wished or hoped for, life has such a way of working itself out.
Be Strong.
Be hopeful.
Stay positive.

Live in "the now" not what could have been.

Stay true to you, be good to yourself, and as I always say: "The best is yet to come."

Happy Monday :)

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Do you know how much I love you? You may not know now, but you will one day.

One day far from now, when you have your own children. 
When you start learning what it is to be a parent, what it is to love wholeheartedly. 
When you realize what you've learned from your parents, and why we were so patient with you, you will find patience. You will realize how much I love you because I've always promised to show you my unconditional love, every single day, for the rest of your life. 
Every day you will feel this love, even when I'm not with you, you will feel it in your heart.
You will feel how much I love you when you see your child smile, when they hug you, when they tell you how much they love you, when you feel that feeling of going to the end of the world for your child, if only that would make them happy. You will do anything for their happiness, then you will know how much I love you, one day far, far from now.

Here are the photo's from our shoot with the lovely Shannon Belanger.
Shannon is a wife, and mother of a darling little girl, with another baby on the way. She is a photographer based out of Almer, Ontario and also works in London, Ontario and surrounding areas,she is truly a pleasure to work with. After viewing the photo's, they truly brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy that Shannon was able to capture these special moments between Owen and I.
To get in contact with Shannon to set up your own photo shoot, email her at or find her on facebook here:

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Looking for an all purpose cleaner that TRULY works on all surfaces?  Well, I’ve found it! Bio-life all-purpose cleaner  is safe to use on all surfaces, made with plant- derived ingredients, it' biodegradable, infused with essential oils, and it really works! I even used this product on my windows and it worked better than the window cleaner that I had been using!
Give it a try! 
Find this product at Shoppers Drug Mart ( If you live in Canada )

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Last week I went to Clinique in search of a new foundation.  As I was telling you in my previous post about skin care, I have been wearing makeup less and less, and taking better care of my skin, and I  wanted a foundation that would be light weight, light coverage, that would still give me that “glow” appearance that I have been getting without wearing make up. The expert at the counter suggested their new BB cream! I have tried a few BB creams, but I haven’t found one that I have liked, that is, until now. This BB cream has antioxidants, is lightweight, smooth, soft, brightens my skin, 100% Fragrance Free, Allergy Tested, Dermatologist Tested, and gives me the perfect amount of coverage. I liked this product so much I had to share with you! Also, if you are looking for a BB cream with added sunscreen, they have that too!

While I was there I also picked up a few other items that I recommend, and that are perfect colors for summer! 
1. Long Last Glosswear SPF 15 in Cabana Crush
2. Clinique Quickliner For Eyes in 12 Moss
3. Colour Surge Eye Shadow in 605 Stone Violet
4. Perfecting BB Cream in Shade 02
5. True Bronze Powder Bronzer in 04 Sunswept

Monday, 8 July 2013

This past weekend

The past few days have been so wonderful, and these days remind me of how lucky I am to have such wonderful family and friends in my life. Below are some pictures from my grandmothers, Owen's "fun day" and soccer award (Most proud Momma), my friends bridal shower-- who is getting married in two weeks! And a few other's from the past days. The only pictures that are missing are from my friend Michelle's Birthday celebration. I'm so happy that I have this gal in my life, through our 7 year friendship we have both had up's and down's which we call "life" she has always been there to support me. I'm very thankful for that. On Sunday, I had the day to RELAX! I can tell you, it felt really good to do, nothing. :)
I hope you're weekend was as enjoyable as ours! :)

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