Thursday 14 March 2013

You will always be my baby

Today was the day that I registered Owen for Junior Kindergarten at his soon–to-be public school. I can’t tell you how many times I have teared up the last week or so, dreading this day. Owen and I woke up this morning, and I spent extra time cuddling him on the couch, then he helped me make crepes…. Cuddled on the couch a little longer… then finally I went upstairs to get myself ready. I actually contemplated keeping him home today…We would skip the registration, head over to Chapters ( One of our favorite spots) play, and pick out a book to take home for story time before bed. I did snap out of it but for a moment, this daydream kept me from crying. I’m sure I am only one of a million Mothers out there that gets teary-eyed over the thought of her “baby” starting school.  I can remember the day Owen was born like it was yesterday. I sat and thought about his “firsts” smiling, eating, crawling, walking, baby kisses, “I love you’s.  Wow. I’m lucky to have experienced this with you.
Now, as I was dropping Owen off at daycare I lingered around a little, even talking to his teacher longer than I usually would, and as I got a wave good-bye from Owen, I was on my way to Public School. Once I arrived home, I felt a bit more at ease knowing what a safe and beautiful school he would be attending. The kids seemed very happy, the library was enormous, the playground was well kept, and the teachers, principle and staff were all very kind. I know it will be an adjustment, but just as it was in daycare- he adjusted, I adjusted. I also felt relieved to think I still would have 6 months until he starts public school.
 No matter how much I want to keep him little forever, I know that is impossible. I guess this is where baby videos come in handy. They give you the opportunity to look back on those cherished moments with your little one, while you focus on the present and watching them grow beside you. Owen often asks me why I always call him “my baby” when he assures me that he is “a BIG boy”. I always reply with “You ARE a big boy, but you will always be MY baby".  
On that note I will end this post remembering  a very special book that I read to our son when he was in my tummy—indeed, one that I still read to him. “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be”- Robert Munch.


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