Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Up until now, every time I baked chocolate chip cookies I stuck to the recipe that my Mom, Nana and Great-Grandmother always used.  They didn’t have the internet link of http://www.hersheycanada.com/recipes/en/recipe-details.aspx?id=6400&name=ORIGINAL-CHIPITS-COOKIESto give them the recipe for this favorite treat; the plastic bag of chocolate chips, with the recipe on the back was all they needed.  I haven't been excited about Gluten Free baking but after Owen's Grandmother sent home her gluten free chocolate chip cookies I was delightfully surpried how great that they tasted! Immediately, I asked her for the recipe and followed the link of http://www.cloud9specialtybakery.com/pdf/C9%20Chocolate%20Chip%20Cookie%20Recipe.pdf  to a new favourite!   I used the Cloud 9 baking mix that she sent home. Simple to use but watch that you wait long enough for the wet ingredients to cool.  Otherwise, your cookies will look more like chocolate swirls!
I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


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