Friday, 11 October 2013

Yesterday morning I walked into the living room and saw that Owen's milk was dripping on to the new couch, I look at him, then look at the milk... "Owen! Do you not see your milk spilling? What should you do if your milk is spilling on the couch??" Owen does not move a muscle, looks at me and replies: "Call you?" Dear lord! No, wrong answer! I'm half laughing about this now, but I can tell you I wasn't laughing at the time. 

This reminds me of this photo I saw on Instagram (below) particularly the caption of the little child asking her mom for her blanket that is sitting RIGHT BESIDE HER.  This is particularly my fault I'm positive of that, but it was a quick kick-in-the-butt reminder that my baby is no longer a baby and he should be doing more for himself. 

So here we go, more independence will be happening in this house, i'll let you know how it goes. ;) Have a great weekend everyone! :)


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