Thursday, 11 April 2013

Rainy Day Fun! :)

This time of year the weather is hit or miss.  Sometimes it is just too cold and rainy to enjoy the outdoors, so I’ve found some ways to keep my little one occupied and on the move, indoors.  I hope you will find these ideas useful and fun!

Have a parade! 
Owen and I grab some musical instruments and I follow him as if we were a two man marching band and we march from the living room, to the kitchen, down the hall and repeat.

Turn on the music and have a dance party!
Kids love music--especially my toddler! He will pretty much dance to anything.  All I have to do is turn on a music station and dance around in the living room. You know the saying, “Dance like no one is watching?”  Set your beat to that drum and just have fun! J

Hide and Go Seek!
Until Owen’s a little older, our version of this game is that you follow the sound of the voice of the person  who is hiding until you find them. Owen is a big fan of this game!

Let them get messy and use their hands and fingers! Construction paper is good but I have also started using plain white, framed canvasses.  You can pick these up at the Dollar store.  Such an inexpensive way to have fun and a great way to capture the moments  you have with your child for days when you can only look at their work from your office.  I’ve started displaying some of these beautiful finger paintings in my office.

Build a Fort!
 What kid doesn’t love a fort? Wasn’t that what couch cushions were made for, anyway?:)

Read Books Together!
Check out my earlier post of books that we love

Bake Together!
Baking is always fun with little ones but try getting them involved with other parts of the meal, too! I cut up everything I need for a salad and then let Owen will put it together in a big bowl.  I can add the dressing, but it’s his terrific toss that gives our salad its zest!

Let Them be in Charge of Play Time
When it’s play time, I find Owen gets the biggest kick out of telling ME what to do and what we are going to play.

Keep Board Games and Puzzles on Hand
Board games are not always easy since toddlers may find the rules hard to follow and puzzle pieces have a way of walking off with your toddler –never to be seen again.  Here  are a few that we have tried and they have kept Owens attention (as well as found their way back to their boxes after being played).   

Create an Obstacle Course in your Basement
Jump over ropes, run around toys, climb over pillows. I often “time” Owen and he really enjoys seeing how fast he can get through his obstacle course!

I hope these ideas help on rainy days and until the beautiful spring weather arrives! :) 


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